A step towards Destiny

Archive for September 2008

okay then … second blog  …..
this tym i had the topic pre-decided … unlike the first one … :)
Nothing philosophical this time though … lots of you guys had problem digesting those  “Heavy fundas” in my first blog!!!
Just thought of writing few lines about the recently held workshop on the Occasion of completion of 10(successful) yrs  of my college!!
The discussion was on “Improving (or initiating in some cases ;) ) the Industry – Academia relations !!”

I wont be talking much about what happened in that discussion(cos its not of my interest n i hope not of yours as well !!). Here is the list of  participants in that discussions…

1. Ajit Balakrishnan CEO Rediff.
2. Praveen Vishakantaiah, President Intel India.
3. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, IIT Madras.
4. P Anandan, Microsoft Research, India. (Moderator…)
5. Susanto Mishra, Head, Motorola Hyderabad .
6. J. A.  Chowdhry, MD, NVidia.
7. P. J. Narayanan, Dean(R ‘n’ D) IIITH

i swear i just attended the seminar looking at that list only.
Everyone started with a presentation followed by the discussion.. on Industry – Academia relations.

Ajit (CEO of one of the rarest indian product, having impact on the global market… rediff.com) had a simple presentation on how the current web technology evolved.

Praveen (the youngest of the lot… n more importantly President of Intel India) depicted the challenges for IIIT in next ten years in terms of improvingquality of researchers)…The best thing about the workshop was that i was just sitting besides him….was one of the moments i enjoyed the most.. :) !!

Ashok Jhunjhunwala (the statistician!! …had all the statistics ready while discussing…) was the most impressive of the lot.

Susanto Mishra stayed cool and calm while discussing…

P Anadan and P J Narayanan were the moderators for the discussions… raised few good questions…

They kept discussing about how the gap between industry and institution should be breached .. to make india a potential research hub (I thought we already were one!!! :) ).
Rest of the discussion i didnt understand (or didnt tried to understand….) as i was just ‘feeling’ the moment.

All and all,was a great experience just to see these guys discussing amongst themselves..
Truly it became one of the (very few) workshops that i will remember for some time to come…..

I guess thats all i have for you write now !! … see you letter !! (in the next blog :) )….

So here i am writing my first blog….. and you know what i still have not decided what next i m going to write in this blog (don’t worry i’ll decide it in a minute…. ), But the thing with my first blog is that i m ‘Officially’ starting blogging on a very “Auspicious ” IIIT Blogger day.  (So first blog that too on such an occasion is just – CaKe oN tHe IcInG D ), but (one more … but .. in my life!!!) the thing is that i might not be able to finish it today on bloggers day itself as its already 11:59 PM .I toiled hard to atleast start writing it today, which eventually i succeeded in doing, doesn’t matter if i could not complete it today itself cos (aLL’S WeLL ThAt StArTs WeLL 8O ).

So in the mean time i think i have (pretty much) decided on what i will write next!!!

May be first i will give the abstract of what is to follow so if u find it boring u can skip here only… )

It revolves around the steve jobs funda of “Stay hungry Stay Foolish”, dont worry i didn’t survive any Incurable cancer … neither i m saying bye bye to this world this early, (atlist not before writing few more blogs ), but i do have few stories to tell you …

Present to past –

First Story :

Before coming here i was working in an organization in Nagpur, doing a fine job , enjoying things at the Foolest ;),  had a bunch of friends who used to rock on weekends, had my home closer to my working place, Had no intentions of coming here to IIIT as i was happily following Newtons Second (or first … do not remember) law of motion “Every object tends to remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force” . You won’t imagine but I applied for PGEE (entrance exam for IIIT) just for the sake of coming to this bueatifOOl city of Hyderabad.It was after the final results of the interview that were announced – i thought of giving it a thought!!!. I wasn’t sure whether i will come here or not until i resigned from my organisation, just to leave all my friends, all those weekend bashes i had with them, i can no more go to my home that frequently…, many friends of mine told me of not leaving my job… even i was of the same thinking… but(one more but) dont know, that day i saw the video of Mr. Steve Jobs (the first time .. ) and decided to be foolish … (don’t know much about staying hungry …).  I don’t have any proof like Mr. steve jobs of whatever i have opted for was the write thing to do, but atleast i feel that way after spending almost a month here .. in IIIT and Hyderabad )

Second story-

After twelfth i was admitted to a college just a kilometer away from my home, but ( .. but++ ) i later refused and choose to go to a college that was about 20 KM away, against my parents wishes (which is not an ideal thing to do usually ) ) again many peoples (including my parents) called it an ‘Foolish’ step , still i choose to the college farther from my home, ending up travelling round about 40 kms daily (godddd … loads of hard work … naa) … the only proof i have of my this step being successFool is that may i couldnt have ended up in IIIT had i would not have opted for that college … Government college of engineering, Amravati … it is.

I dont have any third story, but (Offooo ..) if i unfortunately catch some Incurable cancer tumor and if i survive it i will definitely add it here … !!!

That’s all i have for now … Feeling like should sing the song ….

“Mera pehla pehla Blog hai yeee .. Oooo Oooo …. ”

its 1:40 AM 31 August …

do post your comments…. i will appreciate it …

if you have really read uptil here then kudos to you … you were really patient !!! …