A step towards Destiny

does god exists??

Posted on: October 18, 2008

After a “lazy” break … back for one more post !!

yeah this question pops up regularly (atleast in my mind) … and i wanted to right on this topic since a long time…

Well, if u really give it a deep thought then there are many reasons for us to believe that there is some one (more renowned as ‘god’ ) who is at the back of all the things.

Whatever atheists (and some scientists) argue but there are some questions that are always unanswered .

The thing is that scientists around the world are not able to answer questions raised by there own discoveries. They proclaim that even slightest change in gravitational force or the weight of an atom would have made our earth a lifeless place. how can it happen that the perfect card was drawn from a deck of billions???

Even a small change in the magnetic force between the north and south poles will make our “mother” earth lifeless!! how can things be so perfect (and that too naturally, without any one’s intervention !!!).

Scientists toil hard to find answers for how every thing came into bieng(and that too so organized !!) (much discussed LHC collision at CERN is a fresh example)… but what they get in response are more questions???

How everything in our body is so organized, every part has a purpose, the creativity ( of someone “???” ) is immaculate. No wonder why most of the doctors around the world believe in god, they acclaim the fact that the creativity cant just be a coincidence, there has to be some one behind it!!

If human came into bieng naturally, then why cant we replicate humans (without reproduction and cloning, ofcourse). Let alone the complete body we are not even able to create just one part of it – “The brain”. Forget about replicating it, we are not even able to completely explore that 10 sq. cm piece of body with our so called “advanced” technology!!

If a new born baby, doesn’t know anything when he is born, then how come he/she knows how to cry???

Even in computer science, scientists are not able to impart the human touch to robots. If humans can sense someone who is staring them from behind, (unfortunately, girls have this sense a lot :D ), why cant v give this sense to our robots. What kind of search is employed in the brain ?? certainly not those O(logn) searches!! what is the data structure for storing these information in the brain that manages the hugely complex data so efficiently ???.. no answers…

From my point of view (obviously, everything here is my view only :P ), there is some one : a huge huge power (one hu can even create the powerful sun!!), but certainly not those 33 koti “devtaas” (who can’t find time from revolving around those beautiful “devi’s” ). That huge power house only is Bramha, Vishnu, Allah, Jesus….. endless list …

You might feel i was one dimensional in this discussion, but you are welcome to add other dimensions ;) (just another way of appealing to people to comment :D )

and yesss… at last need to mention : one of the afore raised “question” was inspired from the book “Angels and demons” by dan Brown :), from that Camerlengo Carlo Ventersca’s address.

b bye …. c u soooooooon :)

12 Responses to "does god exists??"

Scientists don’t attribute the so called ‘immaculate design’ and ‘perfect co-ordination’ to strange coincidences.
The present form of life is a result of billions of random mutations, variations. Those which could adapt survived, those which couldn’t got eliminated.
Read Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Aldous and Thomas Huxley. Their arguments are irrestible.
By the way theists are responsible for proving the existence. Atheists / Agnostics NEED NOT disprove the existence. The so called ‘burden of proof’ lies with atheists.
Russell’s Teapot

sorry I should have said, proof of burden lies with THEISTS.

shit, sorry for spamming it should be ‘burden of proof’ not the otherway round.

@Amused Observer:
Then the ‘burden of proof’ violates the definition of atheists !!!

Atheist / Agnostic just counters whatever argument a theist proposes.

Cool blog dude…keep it up.

I second the thought, God is an abstract for the forces that is beyond the explanation of mankind and may remain unexplainable for rest of our existence ….. a fair reason encourages it to remain unexplored as more the man is learning , more is his inquisitiveness to mess with the stability … so I guess its better to let god be God.
Keep writing :)

God Doesn’t Exist. There is only one thing Power..Power in the form of Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Space.
Man created concept called God Just for his own benefit ( as man is most selfish creature on earth). Man gets just the feeling of support of such almighty powers when he say that he believes in GOD. This feeling gives him some kind of satisfaction, some cofidence and sometimes Power.
But in reality there is no GOD. Its just the Power. Its has no name, no shape, no existence….OR you can say it is present everywhere or nowhere…whatever..its very complicated topic…I will try this topic on my bloggy…
Thers lots of things to write on this….

There r some kind of people who have NO BELIEVE IN GOD and some have BELIEF IN NO GOD..

I m still confused….to which kind I belog

@pratham : Yeah but it is not just simply a power …. something more than that which is very difficult to define….

Faith does not consist in believing in the existence of a first being, but in believing in what it reveals to one or the other of what the “immobile motor” is about. It follows that the religious dimension of man (etymologically, what unites men) is not grounded in any revelation whatsoever but inheres to human nature, since pagan intelligence can climb up to what antique pagan metaphysics names the first being.

It is strange. People tend to be astonished by the facts of the world that they can not explain, like the great order the universe has, yet tend to believe in the superior being which is much more interesting to happen. I don’t get it.
The universe has great order. So ? There must be someone to create it! In fact, I don’t get this logical statement , and never will.

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