A step towards Destiny

Say No to Plastic

Posted on: April 28, 2010

Few days back some students of IIIT – Hyderabad started a commendable campaign of making college a No-Plastic zone. Under this initiative, 10 students picked up 848 plastic bottles in an hour.

I will let these pictures tell you the rest of the story …

Apart from the great awareness showed by those handful of IIIT students, these pictures also tell the negligence of other people towards making IIIT a plastic free zone. The only moto behind hanging those bottles out in the campus was to make people aware of their wrong doings. Its a pity that even after keeping the trash bins at regular intervals, we still do not feel like stretching ourselves upto the trash bins. Won’t this world be a better place to live, if everybody (Not just IIITians) considers it as a responsibility and either stops using those bottles or in worst case at least disposes them to the trash bins. Come on you literate/educated people…do it!

Besides this wonderful “Say no to plastic” campaign i would also like to mention about “Suraksha” as well, where in few students started a cloth donation campaign within the college. Its very good to see such good things in the college getting a push.

Following was the contribution:
Shirts/Tshirts – 2000
Jeans/Trousers – 1000
Suits – 500
Footwears – 100
Other Material – Bags Bed Sheets Stationery etc.
more on it @ Suman’s post.

Also, not to forget the jute bag campaign by the IIIT students: where in students can ask for (or buy) jute bags while they go for shopping and can return back once they are done with it (in case they have not bought it :) ). More on the jute bag campaign at : Suman’s post.

Congratulations to “Say no to plastic” and “Suraksha” team. Kudos to you people, you rock. This post is just a small help that i offer by spreading the word.

5 Responses to "Say No to Plastic"

Tremendous work! Keep it up big time. I hope IIIT is low on other disposables. You might like to take a look at my latest post: http://pulzinponderland.wordpress.com/.

Awesome post that was.
People, you also got to read this post by pulkit.

I appreciate your efforts in spreading awareness.
Keep going….

hey how can i contact uu

You can mail me at ksdave[at-the-rate]gmail.com :-)

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