A step towards Destiny

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It has been longgg since I left this place, but only one thing could have brought me back here, that is your trace.

These times without you have been strange, sometimes I smiled, and then sometimes It rained!

At times, It has been painful to muse alone, about you, without you, but then only you (can) make it pleasant.

Songs that remind me of you, nowadays leave my heart sour, but then only you once made me adore.

You being far away there is a part of you inside me that clouds the sky and makes it rain, but then also renders a rainbow after the drain.

Not that I claim that my heart is shattered, but that part of you within me is something that has always mattered.

Places at this end of the world are exotic enough, but they somehow seem surreal, and looks like only your company will make them real.

Forever, they say, is a misnomer as nothing lasts forever, but then that you within me makes me believe that there is no heart to the clever.

All these thoughts of not being able to end up with you, sometimes make me go pale, but then who knows may be there is a twist in the tale.

Not sure if you know about this longing for you and for an opportunity to show you, how much I owe you!

Even though I fell at the wrong end of this grind, never has it happened that you ceased to cross my mind. After all …… It is you! :-)






P.S.(Disclaimer): Readers, do not raise eyebrows!

There is nothing fishy or red, this piece is a mere fiction and there is no relation to any living or dead!

But then, who else could make me write all this? Only you! :-)

Only You! – Fictional.

Okay, so Commonwealth games 2010 are just around the corner (36 days 3hrs and 42 mins to go .. when this was written). But the games are in news for all the bad reasons possible, Alas!.

Commonwealth has actually turned into a common source of wealth :D for the organizers/authorities. Whom to blame? Just the authorities?

I think corruption is inevitable while managing events of such magnitude. Still, I am confident that the commonwealth proceedings will run smooth and will showcase India’s and Delhi’s power to the outside world.

Recently, media and others (on Twitter) have given many reasons why the CWG will be a flop show. Buttt, there are few reasons, I believe, CWG Delhi 2010 will be a success, Because –

  1. Someone has said, The CWG preparations are like Indian Marriages, nothing seems to be in order, but eventually everything falls in place beautifully at the last moment. :)
  2. We do not have any other option.
  3. The National stadium (Construction completed) is of of supreme class, outside authorities approved after inspection.
  4. Rugby and the wrestling stadium construtions too have finished on time and promise huge prospect.
  5. Besides, Delhi seems to be geared up for the event with a new airport matching international standards around the world, and many more constructions almost completed just for the CWG games.

Prolly, Its time to stop cribbing about the bad things or spreading demotivating messages across the country, and start cherishing the mega-event. It’s a real historic moment for our country … may it stay historic for good reasons :)

Few days back some students of IIIT – Hyderabad started a commendable campaign of making college a No-Plastic zone. Under this initiative, 10 students picked up 848 plastic bottles in an hour.

I will let these pictures tell you the rest of the story …

Apart from the great awareness showed by those handful of IIIT students, these pictures also tell the negligence of other people towards making IIIT a plastic free zone. The only moto behind hanging those bottles out in the campus was to make people aware of their wrong doings. Its a pity that even after keeping the trash bins at regular intervals, we still do not feel like stretching ourselves upto the trash bins. Won’t this world be a better place to live, if everybody (Not just IIITians) considers it as a responsibility and either stops using those bottles or in worst case at least disposes them to the trash bins. Come on you literate/educated people…do it!

Besides this wonderful “Say no to plastic” campaign i would also like to mention about “Suraksha” as well, where in few students started a cloth donation campaign within the college. Its very good to see such good things in the college getting a push.

Following was the contribution:
Shirts/Tshirts – 2000
Jeans/Trousers – 1000
Suits – 500
Footwears – 100
Other Material – Bags Bed Sheets Stationery etc.
more on it @ Suman’s post.

Also, not to forget the jute bag campaign by the IIIT students: where in students can ask for (or buy) jute bags while they go for shopping and can return back once they are done with it (in case they have not bought it :) ). More on the jute bag campaign at : Suman’s post.

Congratulations to “Say no to plastic” and “Suraksha” team. Kudos to you people, you rock. This post is just a small help that i offer by spreading the word.

What makes the distinction between a great player and a legend?

Both set of players are enormously talented and have the ability to upturn the face of the game at any time. The distinction probably is that extra bit that legends posses and others don’t. The difference between say, Sourav Ganguly (@Dada fans: Don’t raise eyebrows) and SRT, between Nadal and Federer, or perhaps the most obvious one – between Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. Its not that SG , RN and CR ain’t great players, they definitely are, they have proven it time and again, but there is something .. something inexplicable, not possessed by them which keeps these players apart from the league of the Legends.

Lionel Messi

Perhaps, Legends deliver extraordinary performance when needed that others cant do. Who can forget sachin’s two back-to-back stormy hundreds against the Kangaroos at Sharjah that Single handedly won us the trophy or the recent 200 against RSA. But then Laxman’s 287 against Australia too was memorable. He may be a great player but he certainly ain’t a legend. Its something more than those memorable performances that makes a sports-person a legend. Is it the Consistency? But then, even Christiano Ronaldo is as consistent as Messi and he too (i believe) is not a legend. Though, Messi is too young to be called a legend, but he definitely is in the making of being one. Perhaps, besides the impeccable performance it is the on field and off field behavior that make them legendary. But then Wood’s off-screen debacles mean he probably is not a legend! you bet, ask golf fans and they would dis-agree.


Why do we still find SRT’s smile child-like? Why does Lionel messi look adorable and you feel anguish for his equally talented counterpart Christiano Ronaldo. Ravi teja had a very valid point few days back .. Messi is child-like while Ronaldo is childish! Its not easy to stay humble when you know that you are ruling the game, only legends do that!

Roger Federer

The distinction is subtle and i think it can’t be put forth in words, its something you can feel, you can sense. Great players are those who are liked by the fans, Legends are those who are prayed! Like Gods.


  1. Finally a post after a very longgg time, almost an year! Messi made me write this blog!
  2. Third consecutive post on sports, not good not good. Next one will be from other some other department for sure!
  3. Special Mention:
    Lionel Messi – 6th April 2010 Barcelona V/s Arsenal Champions League. That man alone toyed with the arsenal defenders and made them look like headless buffaloes wandering on the football field. Typically, an arsenal defeat would hurt me, but somehow Messi’s godliness at Camp Nou made the loss sweeter.

India beat Syria in a nail biting encounter to clinch the Nehru cup second time in succession. India had to wait till Sudden Death to put their hands on the trophy, but India was always ahead in the race be it Regular time, Extra time, Penalty Shoot-out or Sudden Death. Ironically it was Syria only whom India beat in the previous Nehru Cup.

But the sorry part of the whole story is that such a huge achievement for Indian Football went unnoticed! Few news websites bothered to put up a small para about the win but is that all this win is worth??? The news was reported as if Indian cricket team has defeated Zimbabwe-A in a practice match… Very Very disappointing! Can we at least bother to notice if not salute it!
How come these news web sites have enough space to report what MahendraSingh Dhoni is doing in his free time, but don’t have space more than one paragraph to report India’s football triumph .. Absurd really!
How many times does Baichung bhutia has pointed at the negligence showed by the Indian Government and the media towards Indian Football??

Nevertheless, this win should taste sweeter as India have beaten a team which is ranked 60 place above us in Fifa ranking (India: 156, Syria:96), though the gap is bound to decrease now :) . Our team also proved that the win against the same team 2 years back was not a fluke and these would definitely bring smiles back to the face of our players. But the attitude of our people needs to be changed to maintain that smile!
Lets hope the consistent performances in recent times by our Futball team will also be recognized and rewarded in future so the football players also feel special as our cricket players!

Before this T20 world cup almost every move of Dhoni was hailed by most of the fans. Some said that he was(is) a master mind, while some said that the moves made by him were ill-logical and it was sheer luck that made him a succesfOOl captain.You ought to believe the latter ones now, as all the ‘ill-logical’ moves made by him in the current T20 world cup fell flat miserably!! Be it the decision to continue with the spinners when the west-Indian batsmen were pouncing on them, or sending Ravindra Jadeja in a crucial encounter against england (who doesn’t have enough batting prowess even to clear the 30 yard circle !!) , when the asking rate was climbing above 8. If this was not enough he was responsible(atlist i feel he was) for the wicket of Harbhajan against RSA, as he denied an easy single to yuvraj singh who was at the non-strikers end. So bhajji sir had to play the next ball, on which he got himself out, and it was downhill from then onwards.
It was a shame to lose against South Africa as at once we just had to score 90 runs from as many balls with 8 or 9 wickets in hand!! And yes how can anyone forget the change in batting approach that our captain has ‘incorporated’, thanks to which we lost all the super8 matches. You could always here the boos in NBH TV room when he came to bat. People even started comparing him with rahul dravid..(but i feel he has a long way to go as far as his technik is concerned :D ). All his will moves will now be questioned, and those should be.
Even after cursing him so much :P , i still feel he is better than most of the previous captains and a better batsmen, just that he needs to revert back a touch to his old batting style (I loved the-way he used to dig a yorker out for a six, which it seems now that he has almost forgotten). And he and our team will be allrite!!
But for now the team is in dire straits and as with most of the earlier captains.. the heat is on Dhoni.
God bless him :)

Hi all Happy neu Year to all first of all…. :)

Thought it would be great to write about this great company who completed its 10th anniversary few months back(in September to be precise). To achieve what they have in just 10 years was unbelievable… Even Microsoft took longer to get where Google is atleast in terms of earnings.

Google has long understood  the idea of success :
“It is where the future is at”!!
If Google’s new internet browser chrome achieves the same as they have in keyword search … just imagine how ironic it would be ….

You will use Google’s browser to take you to Google search, Check the latest news at Google news, use Google Finance to know the market conditions, Organize your health records at Google Health, check mails on Gmail, check your docs on Google docs, use Google’s calendar to organize your day and other events, want to write blog: blogger(I m not one of them :D), turn to its new Encyclopedia Knol instead of Wikipedia(this will take some beating !!), manage your pics: Picasa. Then you will turn to Orkut to get in touch with your friends and to ‘boost’ your profile. Google Maps and Google Earth to see round the world in 80 Seconds, If you miss a stirring speech by a public figure or a TV episode or a Match you go to You-Tube.  If its difficult for you to find time to sit on a PC, don’t worry (Google hai naa !!) use your mobile to access most of the above features. Not to forget Google trends, Google Ad-sense, Google note-book, Google scholar ..endless …  You don’t use internet… Google hai naa … Google desktop … Google drives..!!  For programmers and students .. Google Lab,  Google code,  Google University search, Google scholar…

Imagine if Google OS arrives what will happen!!  I wonder if in future they also start manufacturing hardware chips, drives and all those things :D ….. we already are into a GOOGLISED world.. aren’t we.

Now just answer these .. Can we escape Google or its cookies??? .. the answer is a big NO, you just can’t escape ….

With so much database per user Google has .. right from your search history, profile on Orkut, your photos, your habits, your liking/disliking, your thoughts (blogger), your health(Google health), Events in your life..(Google calendar) etc etc.

There is a saying: Google knows more about you than your best friend
…. and kudos to Google for doing this …. a standing ovation required …to achieve all these in just 10 yrs is simply supreme!!

Somtimes back .. a quote by Google’s CEO : “We want to know you better”
Google’s critics count this as an ominous one!! They claim that history tells you that monopoly of one is the loss of all.

A big huge empire in the offing.. and it will be difficult for many others (yahoo, msn) even to get where Google sits.

After a “lazy” break … back for one more post !!

yeah this question pops up regularly (atleast in my mind) … and i wanted to right on this topic since a long time…

Well, if u really give it a deep thought then there are many reasons for us to believe that there is some one (more renowned as ‘god’ ) who is at the back of all the things.

Whatever atheists (and some scientists) argue but there are some questions that are always unanswered .

The thing is that scientists around the world are not able to answer questions raised by there own discoveries. They proclaim that even slightest change in gravitational force or the weight of an atom would have made our earth a lifeless place. how can it happen that the perfect card was drawn from a deck of billions???

Even a small change in the magnetic force between the north and south poles will make our “mother” earth lifeless!! how can things be so perfect (and that too naturally, without any one’s intervention !!!).

Scientists toil hard to find answers for how every thing came into bieng(and that too so organized !!) (much discussed LHC collision at CERN is a fresh example)… but what they get in response are more questions???

How everything in our body is so organized, every part has a purpose, the creativity ( of someone “???” ) is immaculate. No wonder why most of the doctors around the world believe in god, they acclaim the fact that the creativity cant just be a coincidence, there has to be some one behind it!!

If human came into bieng naturally, then why cant we replicate humans (without reproduction and cloning, ofcourse). Let alone the complete body we are not even able to create just one part of it – “The brain”. Forget about replicating it, we are not even able to completely explore that 10 sq. cm piece of body with our so called “advanced” technology!!

If a new born baby, doesn’t know anything when he is born, then how come he/she knows how to cry???

Even in computer science, scientists are not able to impart the human touch to robots. If humans can sense someone who is staring them from behind, (unfortunately, girls have this sense a lot :D ), why cant v give this sense to our robots. What kind of search is employed in the brain ?? certainly not those O(logn) searches!! what is the data structure for storing these information in the brain that manages the hugely complex data so efficiently ???.. no answers…

From my point of view (obviously, everything here is my view only :P ), there is some one : a huge huge power (one hu can even create the powerful sun!!), but certainly not those 33 koti “devtaas” (who can’t find time from revolving around those beautiful “devi’s” ). That huge power house only is Bramha, Vishnu, Allah, Jesus….. endless list …

You might feel i was one dimensional in this discussion, but you are welcome to add other dimensions ;) (just another way of appealing to people to comment :D )

and yesss… at last need to mention : one of the afore raised “question” was inspired from the book “Angels and demons” by dan Brown :), from that Camerlengo Carlo Ventersca’s address.

b bye …. c u soooooooon :)

okay then … second blog  …..
this tym i had the topic pre-decided … unlike the first one … :)
Nothing philosophical this time though … lots of you guys had problem digesting those  “Heavy fundas” in my first blog!!!
Just thought of writing few lines about the recently held workshop on the Occasion of completion of 10(successful) yrs  of my college!!
The discussion was on “Improving (or initiating in some cases ;) ) the Industry – Academia relations !!”

I wont be talking much about what happened in that discussion(cos its not of my interest n i hope not of yours as well !!). Here is the list of  participants in that discussions…

1. Ajit Balakrishnan CEO Rediff.
2. Praveen Vishakantaiah, President Intel India.
3. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, IIT Madras.
4. P Anandan, Microsoft Research, India. (Moderator…)
5. Susanto Mishra, Head, Motorola Hyderabad .
6. J. A.  Chowdhry, MD, NVidia.
7. P. J. Narayanan, Dean(R ‘n’ D) IIITH

i swear i just attended the seminar looking at that list only.
Everyone started with a presentation followed by the discussion.. on Industry – Academia relations.

Ajit (CEO of one of the rarest indian product, having impact on the global market… rediff.com) had a simple presentation on how the current web technology evolved.

Praveen (the youngest of the lot… n more importantly President of Intel India) depicted the challenges for IIIT in next ten years in terms of improvingquality of researchers)…The best thing about the workshop was that i was just sitting besides him….was one of the moments i enjoyed the most.. :) !!

Ashok Jhunjhunwala (the statistician!! …had all the statistics ready while discussing…) was the most impressive of the lot.

Susanto Mishra stayed cool and calm while discussing…

P Anadan and P J Narayanan were the moderators for the discussions… raised few good questions…

They kept discussing about how the gap between industry and institution should be breached .. to make india a potential research hub (I thought we already were one!!! :) ).
Rest of the discussion i didnt understand (or didnt tried to understand….) as i was just ‘feeling’ the moment.

All and all,was a great experience just to see these guys discussing amongst themselves..
Truly it became one of the (very few) workshops that i will remember for some time to come…..

I guess thats all i have for you write now !! … see you letter !! (in the next blog :) )….

So here i am writing my first blog….. and you know what i still have not decided what next i m going to write in this blog (don’t worry i’ll decide it in a minute…. ), But the thing with my first blog is that i m ‘Officially’ starting blogging on a very “Auspicious ” IIIT Blogger day.  (So first blog that too on such an occasion is just – CaKe oN tHe IcInG D ), but (one more … but .. in my life!!!) the thing is that i might not be able to finish it today on bloggers day itself as its already 11:59 PM .I toiled hard to atleast start writing it today, which eventually i succeeded in doing, doesn’t matter if i could not complete it today itself cos (aLL’S WeLL ThAt StArTs WeLL 8O ).

So in the mean time i think i have (pretty much) decided on what i will write next!!!

May be first i will give the abstract of what is to follow so if u find it boring u can skip here only… )

It revolves around the steve jobs funda of “Stay hungry Stay Foolish”, dont worry i didn’t survive any Incurable cancer … neither i m saying bye bye to this world this early, (atlist not before writing few more blogs ), but i do have few stories to tell you …

Present to past –

First Story :

Before coming here i was working in an organization in Nagpur, doing a fine job , enjoying things at the Foolest ;),  had a bunch of friends who used to rock on weekends, had my home closer to my working place, Had no intentions of coming here to IIIT as i was happily following Newtons Second (or first … do not remember) law of motion “Every object tends to remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force” . You won’t imagine but I applied for PGEE (entrance exam for IIIT) just for the sake of coming to this bueatifOOl city of Hyderabad.It was after the final results of the interview that were announced – i thought of giving it a thought!!!. I wasn’t sure whether i will come here or not until i resigned from my organisation, just to leave all my friends, all those weekend bashes i had with them, i can no more go to my home that frequently…, many friends of mine told me of not leaving my job… even i was of the same thinking… but(one more but) dont know, that day i saw the video of Mr. Steve Jobs (the first time .. ) and decided to be foolish … (don’t know much about staying hungry …).  I don’t have any proof like Mr. steve jobs of whatever i have opted for was the write thing to do, but atleast i feel that way after spending almost a month here .. in IIIT and Hyderabad )

Second story-

After twelfth i was admitted to a college just a kilometer away from my home, but ( .. but++ ) i later refused and choose to go to a college that was about 20 KM away, against my parents wishes (which is not an ideal thing to do usually ) ) again many peoples (including my parents) called it an ‘Foolish’ step , still i choose to the college farther from my home, ending up travelling round about 40 kms daily (godddd … loads of hard work … naa) … the only proof i have of my this step being successFool is that may i couldnt have ended up in IIIT had i would not have opted for that college … Government college of engineering, Amravati … it is.

I dont have any third story, but (Offooo ..) if i unfortunately catch some Incurable cancer tumor and if i survive it i will definitely add it here … !!!

That’s all i have for now … Feeling like should sing the song ….

“Mera pehla pehla Blog hai yeee .. Oooo Oooo …. ”

its 1:40 AM 31 August …

do post your comments…. i will appreciate it …

if you have really read uptil here then kudos to you … you were really patient !!! …