A step towards Destiny

Posts Tagged ‘Fool

So here i am writing my first blog….. and you know what i still have not decided what next i m going to write in this blog (don’t worry i’ll decide it in a minute…. ), But the thing with my first blog is that i m ‘Officially’ starting blogging on a very “Auspicious ” IIIT Blogger day.  (So first blog that too on such an occasion is just – CaKe oN tHe IcInG D ), but (one more … but .. in my life!!!) the thing is that i might not be able to finish it today on bloggers day itself as its already 11:59 PM .I toiled hard to atleast start writing it today, which eventually i succeeded in doing, doesn’t matter if i could not complete it today itself cos (aLL’S WeLL ThAt StArTs WeLL 8O ).

So in the mean time i think i have (pretty much) decided on what i will write next!!!

May be first i will give the abstract of what is to follow so if u find it boring u can skip here only… )

It revolves around the steve jobs funda of “Stay hungry Stay Foolish”, dont worry i didn’t survive any Incurable cancer … neither i m saying bye bye to this world this early, (atlist not before writing few more blogs ), but i do have few stories to tell you …

Present to past –

First Story :

Before coming here i was working in an organization in Nagpur, doing a fine job , enjoying things at the Foolest ;),  had a bunch of friends who used to rock on weekends, had my home closer to my working place, Had no intentions of coming here to IIIT as i was happily following Newtons Second (or first … do not remember) law of motion “Every object tends to remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force” . You won’t imagine but I applied for PGEE (entrance exam for IIIT) just for the sake of coming to this bueatifOOl city of Hyderabad.It was after the final results of the interview that were announced – i thought of giving it a thought!!!. I wasn’t sure whether i will come here or not until i resigned from my organisation, just to leave all my friends, all those weekend bashes i had with them, i can no more go to my home that frequently…, many friends of mine told me of not leaving my job… even i was of the same thinking… but(one more but) dont know, that day i saw the video of Mr. Steve Jobs (the first time .. ) and decided to be foolish … (don’t know much about staying hungry …).  I don’t have any proof like Mr. steve jobs of whatever i have opted for was the write thing to do, but atleast i feel that way after spending almost a month here .. in IIIT and Hyderabad )

Second story-

After twelfth i was admitted to a college just a kilometer away from my home, but ( .. but++ ) i later refused and choose to go to a college that was about 20 KM away, against my parents wishes (which is not an ideal thing to do usually ) ) again many peoples (including my parents) called it an ‘Foolish’ step , still i choose to the college farther from my home, ending up travelling round about 40 kms daily (godddd … loads of hard work … naa) … the only proof i have of my this step being successFool is that may i couldnt have ended up in IIIT had i would not have opted for that college … Government college of engineering, Amravati … it is.

I dont have any third story, but (Offooo ..) if i unfortunately catch some Incurable cancer tumor and if i survive it i will definitely add it here … !!!

That’s all i have for now … Feeling like should sing the song ….

“Mera pehla pehla Blog hai yeee .. Oooo Oooo …. ”

its 1:40 AM 31 August …

do post your comments…. i will appreciate it …

if you have really read uptil here then kudos to you … you were really patient !!! …