A step towards Destiny

Posts Tagged ‘Miicrosoft

Hi all Happy neu Year to all first of all…. :)

Thought it would be great to write about this great company who completed its 10th anniversary few months back(in September to be precise). To achieve what they have in just 10 years was unbelievable… Even Microsoft took longer to get where Google is atleast in terms of earnings.

Google has long understood  the idea of success :
“It is where the future is at”!!
If Google’s new internet browser chrome achieves the same as they have in keyword search … just imagine how ironic it would be ….

You will use Google’s browser to take you to Google search, Check the latest news at Google news, use Google Finance to know the market conditions, Organize your health records at Google Health, check mails on Gmail, check your docs on Google docs, use Google’s calendar to organize your day and other events, want to write blog: blogger(I m not one of them :D), turn to its new Encyclopedia Knol instead of Wikipedia(this will take some beating !!), manage your pics: Picasa. Then you will turn to Orkut to get in touch with your friends and to ‘boost’ your profile. Google Maps and Google Earth to see round the world in 80 Seconds, If you miss a stirring speech by a public figure or a TV episode or a Match you go to You-Tube.  If its difficult for you to find time to sit on a PC, don’t worry (Google hai naa !!) use your mobile to access most of the above features. Not to forget Google trends, Google Ad-sense, Google note-book, Google scholar ..endless …  You don’t use internet… Google hai naa … Google desktop … Google drives..!!  For programmers and students .. Google Lab,  Google code,  Google University search, Google scholar…

Imagine if Google OS arrives what will happen!!  I wonder if in future they also start manufacturing hardware chips, drives and all those things :D ….. we already are into a GOOGLISED world.. aren’t we.

Now just answer these .. Can we escape Google or its cookies??? .. the answer is a big NO, you just can’t escape ….

With so much database per user Google has .. right from your search history, profile on Orkut, your photos, your habits, your liking/disliking, your thoughts (blogger), your health(Google health), Events in your life..(Google calendar) etc etc.

There is a saying: Google knows more about you than your best friend
…. and kudos to Google for doing this …. a standing ovation required …to achieve all these in just 10 yrs is simply supreme!!

Somtimes back .. a quote by Google’s CEO : “We want to know you better”
Google’s critics count this as an ominous one!! They claim that history tells you that monopoly of one is the loss of all.

A big huge empire in the offing.. and it will be difficult for many others (yahoo, msn) even to get where Google sits.